And that’s a wrap to the year 2021. And to my SciFi, time-travel adventure trilogy. Because… NEANDER: Evolution (Book 3) is now published and available in all Amazon stores worldwide. And for 2 days ONLY starting tomorrow (1/1/22–1/2/22), Book 1 of the series (NEANDER: A Time Travel Adventure – ebook edition) is being discounted in a special price promotion. Such a deal! 😉
In this final book of the series, time traveler Tom Cook confronts enemies in different worlds, hoping to save both his family and his adopted band of Neanderthals. Can he do it? Will he do it?
Part of the story involves the possible closing off of the time portal. A portal in the sea, which is the link from one world to the other. Separated by thousands of years.
And the time transition through this portal is a fraught one. There’s a change in water pressure and temperature. A rippling sensation. A low groaning sound. And suddenly, the characters are somewhere and sometime else. Where everything is changed.

And not unlike some transitions in our own world.
I remember when my wife and I decided to pick up and leave California and start a new chapter in Virginia. At first, we didn’t like the new environment. We arrived in the fall, and by winter, everything was gray and cold. Bare and leafless. Depressing to us coming from a sunny Mediterranean climate.

But over time, we shifted our thinking. We started appreciating the muted colors more and noticing the subtle differences in the transitions to the seasons. Like the ending of winter as it gradually morphed into the coming of spring. The start of something new. Something better. Something different.
In filmmaking terms, “that’s a wrap” means that the shot or scene—or production—being filmed is finished. Good to go. Time to move on to the next one.
Which is exactly what I’m doing on this last day of 2021. Moving on. To the next idea. The next book. The next year.
Join me in saying goodbye to 2021 and welcoming in 2022!
— Harald
Congratulations on finishing this trilogy! I just grabbed Book 1.
Thank you, Jacqui, fellow prehistoric fictionist(a)!