So here’s a look back at my last 12 solar months based on the solstices and equinoxes, which define what I call the “solar quarters” . . .
That’s a Wrap!
And that’s a wrap to the year 2021. And to my SciFi, time-travel adventure trilogy. Because… NEANDER: Evolution (Book 3) is now published and available in all Amazon stores worldwide. And for 2 days ONLY starting tomorrow (1/1/22–1/2/22), Book 1 of the series (NEANDER: A Time Travel Adventure – ebook edition) is being discounted in a special price promotion. Such a deal! 😉
In this final book of the series, time traveler Tom Cook confronts enemies in different worlds, hoping to save both his family and his adopted band of Neanderthals. Can he do it? Will he do it?