I like to write about the turning points of the seasons, the so-called “four posts” of the astronomical calendar. In this case, the longest day of the year (for the Northern Hemisphere): the Summer Solstice. Today.
It’s the midpoint of the year for me (the year starting at the Winter Solstice). And for summer, it’s roughly midway in the growing season, halfway between planting and harvest.
It’s a time of change. When the days start getting shorter. When I need to start picking up the pace on my new novel: the sequel to my last novel about time travel and Neanderthals. Don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say that things get even more complicated in this book.
So I’m celebrating the progress of my writing, having just passed the halfway midpoint of this new book’s creation.
Remember that empty white board from my OBX trip a while ago? This one:
That’s when I was figuring out what this book would be about. Now, I’m moving full-speed down the track with it. My goal has been to write one scene a day (scenes are what novels are made of), and I’m past the halfway mark, just like this lady is, passing the halfway flags in the pool where I swim.
I have a September 28 deadline to deliver the finished manuscript to my developmental editor. Or, a few days after the next seasonal turning point: the Autumnal Equinox.
Seems like I’m always running—or swimming—with the seasons.
Happy Solstice! Stay safe. Stay distanced.
Watched the sunrise this morning from Daytona Beach Shores.
Looking forward to the novel.
Sounds like a great way to start the day. Thanks for comment, Mike!
We watched the solstice sunset that the Facebook English Heritage page livestreamed this afternoon; I’ll try to watch the sunrise (it happens at 10:30 tonight California time). Cool. Eerie.
I’m getting to the halfway mark on NETHERWORLD, too – congratulations.
Very cool, Alicia. And congrats to you, too!