[this is my 2025 Vernal Equinox post, a little delayed]
See the phrase above? It’s something I rediscovered a while ago, and I forgot how much I like it. How much it’s been a part of my life for years. Decades even.
Even though I’ve tried my hand at making money by: selling shoes, inspecting pineapple cans, working in a steel mill, and driving a laundry truck… I found my true calling with an early job: creating slide shows inside a high-rise dorm/shopping mall in Austin, Texas. Which led me to develop my design, photography, and filmmaking skills. Which led me to Los Angeles where I hit my creative stride: Hollywood art director, magazine co-founder and art director, ad agency creative director. All the while developing my writing, which led me to authoring and publishing several books, including six novels (so far). And now I’m working on a screenplay.
So it’s safe to say that I’ve been true to the motto above: creating something almost every day. It hasn’t always been easy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
How about you? Do you want to be more creative? Do you like the idea of creating something every day?
Developing a Creative Mindset
Creativity is a skill that can be developed. Really. It’s about habits and attitudes that, over time, become automatic. Here are four simple strategies to help make that happen (and that I use):
1. Set aside dedicated time for creativity.
Schedule time for creative pursuits, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day. For example, write something free-form without stopping or editing. Take a photograph every noon no matter what. Pull out a pen and paper and drawing something. Etc.
2. Have a dedicated space for creativity.
Where can you focus on creative activities without distractions? A desk? A chair? On the floor? Make that your creative space.
3. Manage distractions.
Minimize distractions like social media. Focus on you and the activity at hand.
4. Act like a creative person.
Creative people create. So create something. Anything. Now. Today. It can be a little thing. Rearrange your furniture. Take a different route to work. Just do it.
Want an Example?
To come back to the main motto at top, here’s something I created today. Well, actually yesterday since I’m posting this in the morning of the Vernal Equinox, midway between the two solstices. Watch it, it’s short:
Now go out and create something. Today.
— Harald
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