I recently finished the initial drafts of my final book—1640—in The Manhattan Series. The story of NYC’s (and Manhattan’s) birth wraps up in this novella, and even though this one is a little shorter than the prior two, it took longer to complete. Why? Read on…
HJ post
A Pelican Salute (audio story)
How I Write
Writing is hard. Writing well, even harder. And because that’s how I’m spending much of my time these days, I thought I’d share a bit about my writing process. Why? Maybe you’re already writing but are looking for a tip or two. Or maybe you’re just curious about the how this writing thing works. Either way, here’s how I do it.
Island Sounds
One of the joys of writing historical fiction about a famous place (NYC/Manhattan) is discovering what other writers or artists have to say and express about the same location. And when their work is also about the same time period, even better. Leading me to introduce you to a new effort that’s quite amazing: the “Calling Thunder” project.