Welcome! This is my online hub for books, stories, and more things I’ve got cooking. Explore, subscribe, and comment on any of these pages. — Harald
Above are my latest novels with the newest (bottom) being the post-apocalyptic thriller THE TWILIGHTS. You can find more details about each in the Books section on this site.
Finally have a break when I can take the time to read. Ordered both Neander Books from Amazon and looking forward to begin reading next week. I think its the first “reading” break I have taken in a decade. Can’t think of anything better to sink my eyes into.
And I can’t think of a better reader. Say hello to B and S.B.
Hi Harald
Just finished “Neander” and enjoyed it a lot. There was one mystery though that you never addressed which could be an interesting, if not sequel, than parallel project namely, who exactly built the cairns?
They were obviously too advanced for even your fictional band of Neanderthals, so reading about the builders would no doubt be a fun and interesting tale.
Glad you enjoyed the NEANDER book, Ken.
RE: the cairns… Yes, I left those as a bit of a mystery, although one might conclude that the Neanderthals *could* have built them. These were not stupid people, although they had their strengths and weaknesses. I’m currently writing the sequel “NEANDER 2” book and am considering questions such as these. Should be out before end of 2020.
P.S. If you haven’t already, feel free to write a Customer Review for the book on Amazon. Authors—especially Indie ones like me—love reviews!
Hi Harald,
I was just reminiscing yesterday with some friends about our early lives. I’m 85 years of age and am blessed with a tremendous memory of people and events in my life.
I’m originally from Albany, N.Y. My name is Bill Yates.
I’ve had an interesting life > > businessman, athlete, and performer. I still perform onstage at various venues in my home area (So. Cal. ), as well as nearby Las Vegas.
While in the midst of my recollections yesterday I had mentioned knowing the great “Zimmie” the legless swimmer. I’d also invited my friends to “Google” him to be more acquainted with his exploits than I was totally privy to.
When I went into the site it came up with some commentary attributed to you, so I thought I’d write and explain that his “hangout” in Albany was the Kenmore Hotel.
My father was the assistant to Bob Murphy the general mgr.
I was but a child in 1939 when I can recollect coming into the hotel lobby with my mother and spotting Zimmie while he was rolling across the floor to greet us, scoop me up in his strong arms and whisking me away for a ride all over the hotel, elevators, and the Rainbow Room ballroom where Del Courtney’s band was playing. I had been scheduled to sing with the band at the tender age of 5 (some folks called me a musical prodigy) There’s much more to the story, but suffice it to say, my family and I remained friends with Del Courtney for the next 50 + years.
While visiting Honolulu in ’93, I had the pleasure of performing with him at the Royal Hawaiian (we kidded with audience that it was one hell of a long time to bring me up for an “encore”).
If you’d care to know more of those early days, drop me a line .
(billgolfnut@aol.com) or 760 503-0010 – – – – on facebook – simply Bill Yates
Hello Bill. That’s quite the story… and memory!
Yes, I remember commenting on Zimmie’s swim exploits on the New York History blog (now called New York Almanack).
Thanks for commenting here, and best of luck of luck to you. And say hello to SoCal for me.
I loved Neander. I read it in about 3 hours after work one day. The book was easy to read and got me interested immediately. Can’t wait for the next book.
Thank you for the kind words, Tim! And I’m working hard on that next book for you.
And thanks for the Amazon review. Authors like reviews
Hi Harald… Just wanted to say thank you for posting your experiences with AMS on KBoards. Very informative and helpful.
You’re welcome, Stephen! (Don’t worry folks, this is secret author talk
Harald, THANKS for sharing your very interesting life with us. I eagerly look forward to more stories and events.
Thanks for commenting, Pat! More to come. Much more
Hi Harald. Great to see the new site! I’m looking forward to reading more about what you’ve been up to.
Craig Forrest
Cullowhee, NC (not so much a town as a state of mind)
Hi Craig. Great to hear from you! Subscribe/sign-up here, and you won’t miss a thing.
Folks, Craig’s an “American Realist” painter who lives in a small town like I do. Where everything is a state of mind
Just a quick couple: The numbers on the subject bars are a bit … unnecessary. Highest point: What is now the highest natural (not a building top) on Manhattan.
JC, you are no doubt referring to the “Manhattan: Then & Now (1609-2016)” infographic I created for subscribers to this site, yes? (one has to subscribe to see it) Assuming yes, well, picky picky! FYI: the numbers in the subject bars are for footnotes and credits. Kinda essential, in my view. As to the highest natural point on Manhattan, that hasn’t changed, but I’ll give you that one.
Welcome here!
Your new site looks great, Harald. Like to see a teaser cover on the new book series ASAP! I have to add, of course, for full disclosure, that I’ve been helping Harald with the editing of the new series
Thanks, Jim! And here are those teaser covers under “Books” on this site:
1000 pull. Hardboiled egg. Bread role. Coffee, black. Time to start the day.
That’s swim talk, folks, from Martin. Pay no attention to him!
Congratulations, Harald, on your new site. It looks great and after reading your posts I’ve learned somethings. Now I want to walk the route of the tour, but I do not want to do that swim. ~Sarah
Do the swim, Sarah!
Thanks for the kind words.